Saturday 3 October 2015

Some pictures of Mega Blood donation Camp organised by VOSs 92 on Gandhi Jayanti

 All members of VOSS 92
 Principal, BJB College, Dy.Secy(SLO), Higher Education Deptt.
 Proud Member of VOSs 92 -Khirod Panigrahi(Mantu)
 Welcome to Guest by Convenor, VOSS92
 BJB team & Dy Secy, H.E Deptt.
 Inauguration by Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University.
 1st Donor of the Mega Camp-Sadashib Panda, Proud Member of VOSS 92

  Blood Donors Registration Team
 Distribution of T.Shirt, Conveyance , Tiffins & Flavoured Milk 
 Delicious Lunch sponserd by Proud Member Chita Ranjan Panda
 VOSS 92 Team
 Blood donor of BJB College
 Blood Bank Team

 Proud Member Sarit Panda

Vice Chancellor, Utkal University Inaugurated a Mega Blood Donation Camp on Gandhi Jayanti organised by VOSS 92.Sadashib Panda, Proud Member of VOSS 92 is the 1st donor of the Mega Camp who travelled from Jeypore(KPT) to Bhubaneswar for this noble event.(News Published in daily Samaj & Sambad on 3rd Oct 2015)