Saturday 10 January 2015

Second preparatory meeting of Vanivihar 92 annual meet held on 15th Dec 2014

The second preparatory meeting of Vanivihar 92 annual meet held on 15th Dec 2014 at Talapadeswari , Vanivihar. 
Shri Pitabasa Jena, President VOSS 92 presided the meeting and  Shri Gadadhar Rath ,  Secretary, VOSS 92 welcomed all friends and discussed about arrangement of 15th Annual meet.
As per the proposal of the  Secretary, all members observed 2 minutes silence & prayed God for the departed soul of late Prof. Dr. Champak Baran Das(92 Physics).
 As per decision,  VOSS 92 annual meet for 2015 will be arranged at the  Faculty Club of Utkal University, Vanivihar. Members are requested to confirm about their participation well in advance for smooth arrangement. Sri Bishnu Prasad Dash(92 History) conveyed thanks to all members for their participation . Sri Binay Dash(92 Geology), Dr. Sudhakar Jally(92 Philosophy), Sri Himansu Swain(92 History), Sri Pranab Das(92 Pol.Sci), Sri Ranjan Kumar Mallick(92 Geography), Sri Khirod Kumar Panigrahi(92 Pol.Sci), Sri Arun Kumar Ghosh(92 Eco), Sri Sarit Panda(92 Pol.Sci) & Dr. Bankim Tripathy(92 Chemistry)   joined in the meeting.

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