Thursday 23 April 2015

Guidelines for providing Sports Infrastructure/Facilities to Players and Officials during the National Championships and International Tournaments held in India

 As per the existing guidelines of the Government, it is mandatory for all National Sports Federations (NSFs) to conduct National Championships every year for Senior (Men & Women), Junior (Boys & Girls) and Sub-Junior (Boys & Girls) categories.   Some NSFs are also conducting zonal championships and international tournaments in India.  It is incumbent upon the NSFs to conduct the championships in India by drawing the calendar of events, well in advance, so that such championships can be conducted smoothly and efficiently.

            From time to time, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has been receiving complaints from various quarters that the basic minimum facilities are not provided to sportspersons during the various championships/tournaments conducted by NSFs.  The primary responsibility for organizing the events rests with the NSFs.  It is incumbent upon them to take all measures for smooth conduct of the championships with a vision to empower the athletes to reach their optimum potential. 

            All NSFs are therefore directed to adopt the following measures for organizing tournaments,  as the responsibility lies on NSFs for their organization, supervision and conduct in every aspect:-

Playing Arena:-
i.          The tournaments/championships should be held in such stadia, indoor halls etc which are   easily accessible to the athletes.  In case, the event is for differently abled athletes, the facilities should be disabled-friendly and all the basic facilities should be available for sportspersons.
ii.         The representatives of all the NSFs should reach the venue of championship at least two days before the event to ensure that all the facilities are in place.
iii.        Proper resting place should be arranged so that the athletes can rest during the break time.
iv.        Clean drinking water should be arranged.
v.         Arrangement for tea/coffee and snacks should be made.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
vi.        Neat and clean toilets including disabled friendly toilets should also be provided in sufficient numbers.
vii.       Separate change rooms for boys and girls should be provided.

Residential Area:-
i.          NSFs should ensure that neat and clean lodging facilities, adequately equipped with toilets           including disabled friendly toilets and purified drinking water are available.
ii.         The rooms should be airy with proper light and fans (wherever possible ACs/coolers may be provided).
iii.        The accommodation to be provided to the players should not be over-crowded.  Preferably, two   to three players/officials should be accommodated in one room depending upon the size of each room.
iv.        Bedding with neat and clean linen should be provided to the players/officials.
v.         Hygienic and healthy food should be provided to the players/officials preferably in disposable  plates and glasses.

Common Provisions:-

i.          Proper transport facilities for the players/officials from the place of stay to the venue of championship should be ensured to enable the players to reach the venue well in time.

ii.         Players’ Grievance Cell should be created and notified by NSFs before the start of each championship so that any complaint from players could be attended to on top-priority basis, keeping in view the interest of sportspersons.

iii.        Responsible officials should be designated to remain available for the entire duration of the          events so that the players can approach them for their needs.  Their contact details including e-mail I.D. and mobile numbers should be available on the website of the NSF and displayed prominently at the venue

iv.        First aid facilities should be kept ready at all times.

            The compliance of the above guidelines is mandatory and forms part of National Sports Development Code of India, 2011.


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