Sunday 20 September 2015

Blood Donation Camp 2015 will be organised by VOSS 92 on Gandhi Jayanti @ OAS Association, Kharvela Nagar.

A preparatory meeting for Blood Donation Camp has been arranged on 19th Sept 2015 at the residence of Asst.Secy, (Samita Panda). Manoj Deo, Vice President has presided the meeting and Babita Kar, Secy,  & Pranab Kumar Das, Treasurer,  briefed about the financial status of VOSS &  prepared the estimate  for the camp in consultation with all advisory & executive body  members. Members have been requested in the meeting to pass on the message to all members residing at Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Puri & Khurda to participate as volunteers for smooth arrangement of the camp. It is expected that about 100 donors from different colleges of  Bhubaneswar will participate in the camp voluntarily . Vice Chancellor, Utkal University will inaugurate the camp at 9 AM at OAS Association . So members are requested to reach the venue by 8.30 AM positively. Among others Advisory Committee members like Arun kumar Ghosh, Manoj Kumar Rout, Pitabasa Jena, Priyabrat Nayak, Rabi Narayan Padhi, Gadadhar Rath(Convenor) & Samita Panda, Asst.Secy, special invitee Kshirod kumar Panigrahi , Proud Member & Lita Mishra(Mohapatra), Org. Secy participated in discussions. Points raised by Rabi Narayan Padhi has been noted for discussion in the coming quarterly meeting to be held on 2nd Oct 2015 after BDC. Gadadhar Rath, Convenor has been requested in the meeting to send messages to all members  through whatsApp, face Book ,Way to SMS and through email to remain present and to  contribute their membership fee @ Rs200/-  & donations (optional) as much as members like to meet the expenditure for a noble cause like BDC. Members may transfer the amount to VOSS account  instead of deposit to avoid inter branch charges. Meeting ended with thanks to all members for participation and special thanks to Samita Panda for arranging the meeting in a planned manner. 

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