Friday 13 January 2017

Silver Jubilee Celebration-Programme for 15.01.2017

Silver Jubilee Celebration
15th January, 2017(Sunday)

Venue:-        MKCG Auditorium, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar


08:30 hours

Assembling of Core Committee Members at the Venue
09:00 hours

Arrival of Members and Registration
09:15 hours

10:30 hours

Cultural Programme and self-introduction of members in-between the programme

11:30 hours

Arrival of Guests and unveiling of statue of Utkalmani Pandit Gopabandhu Das inside the garden of Philosophy Department by Shri Niranjan Rath, Chairman, Samaja Relief Committee

11:45 hours

Silver Jubilee Celebration Function, Release of Souvenir and Felicitation

13:45 hours

14: 15 hours

Continuation Cultural Programme and self-introduction of members in-between the programme
16:15 hours

General Body conversation
17: 00 hours


19: 00 hours

Dinner Party at Hotel Mayfair, Bhubaneswar [Only Members, that means without family or relatives]

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